Two’s Company

Two’s Company is a circuit style workout created by our friends Ryan and Alex from Ryan and Alex Duo Life, consisting of 3 rounds of 4 exercises. With the help of a stopwatch or timing app, you and your partner will perform each exercise at the same time for 45 seconds. Your goal is to perform as many reps as you can in the 45 second time frame. In between each exercise, you and your partner will have a 15 second rest period before the start of the next exercise.

Note: For the “High Knees Pulsing Warrior 3” exercise, you and your partner will do this exercise twice each time through the circuit, so each of you do each portion of the exercise.

Once you complete each round of the circuit, take a 2 minute rest before starting the next round. Once you have completed 3 rounds of the exercise, the challenge is complete.

The Exercises

High Five in & Outs:

Side-to-Side Crunches:

High Knees Pulsing Warrior 3

C-Sit Squares

Level Up: Haven’t gotten fed up with your quarantine buddy yet? Take on Ryan+Alex’s complete couples workout challenge. Feel free to tweak any exercise as needed or skip those that you don’t feel comfortable doing an exercise.

Check out more of Ryan and Alex’s workouts and nutrition advice at and on instagram @ryanandalexduolife.



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