Our LEG DAY LEGEND, Coach tells how to look great in COACH shorts and explode up obstacles.
I know most of Mudder Nation would never skip leg day. First off because the obvious importance of having incredible explosive power to tackle obstacles like Everest. Secondly to show off your quad gains while doing victory hip circles in that fresh pair of COACH shorts you just bought.
Yes, putting in your miles running and walking is important to prepare you to go the distance, but putting some focus on leg day will help give you the POWER you need. Here are some of my go to favorites when I’m looking to boost the caboose.
Its hard to talk leg day with out squats… bottom line….. I LOVE IT!!!!
Air squats, front squats, back squat, goblet squats, overhead squats…. You can squat almost anything absolutely anywhere and the benefits are endless. Start your feet just out side your hips with most of your weight in your heels. Send your booty back and down until hip crease is equal or bellow your knees… drive through your heels and stand back up.
This is my go-to BOOTY BLASTER. My favorite is to hold weights in either hand and really focus on keeping a tight core and upright torso, weighted step ups are an awesome ab workout too as you stabilize. Try not to hinge at the hip.
Start with you feet at hip width, keep your back straight and a soft bend in the knee. Hinge at the hip until you feel it in your hamstrings, then return to standing. I use these in a bunch of different ways. It’s a great way to warm up the hamstrings before a run or a workout using little to no resistance and higher reps. You can add weight to build more backside strength, and with weight on your shoulders it will also help strengthen you back.… BONUS!!!!
Another great one with a lot of different options. Lunges primarily focus on the quads, but the hammies and booty get in there as well. Generally speaking, the longer your step the more glutes will be involved, and the shorter we are calling on the quads.Important note make sure to never allow the knee to pass the toe and focus on the upright torso.

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Coach T Mud AKA Kyle Railton first started CrossFit in 2009 to improve his fitness for dirt bike racing. He obtained his Level 1 Certification in 2010 and began training others and sharing his passion for fitness, which led to his involvement with the Tough Mudder community. Coach T Mud helps people warm up on event day and can be found behind the DJ booth in Mudder Village, inspiring dancing with a mix of hard work. He takes his coaching seriously but will always jump at the chance to poke fun at himself for a laugh. He believes every CrossFit class should a mix of hard work, good laughs, and personal growth.