Tough Mudder isn’t just about the thrill of the big day. It’s about the lessons you’ll learn out on the course that will stick with you for life. Taking part in this epic challenge will open you up to a ton of experiences with new people. Here are a few life lessons you’ll pick up from your fellow mudders along the way…
1. Nothing’s impossible
We’ll kick this off with the most important point: With the right mindset and the Tough Mudder team behind you, nothing is out of reach. With every Tough Mudder obstacle conquered you’ll realize you’re capable of so much more than you thought. Every Mudder who crosses the finish line has a newfound understanding of what “impossible” really means.
2. The value of giving
Mudders are the kind of people who help others, and that’s why you’ll see plenty of charity fundraisers out on the course. Not only are your fellow Mudders fundraising to help other people, they’re also giving up their time, sweat, and, most importantly, overcoming their fears for the benefit of someone else. Now that’s giving.
If you have what it takes to truly give, why not sign up to be a Tough Mudder fund-raiser today?
3. Fear is in your head
So, let’s get this straight: you think because you have a couple of phobias that Tough Mudder isn’t for you? If so, you’re wrong. Those fears are in your head—and they sure as hell have no place there. This is something you will learn along the course: You can and you WILL conquer your fears. At Tough Mudder, you’re going to learn that fear can be turned into motivation just as easily as it can cripple you.
4. Gratitude
Throughout the course you’ll be facing some serious challenges. You won’t know true gratitude until you’re standing at the bottom of Everest 2.0 trying to figure out how to get over the top. That’s when the camaraderie of the event kicks in. People you’ve never met will do everything they can to help you conquer the obstacles in front of you. A simple ‘thank you’ won’t be enough (but don’t skip it), so be sure to pass it on by offering your own helping hand to someone else.
5. It’s always better together
Being able to do something on your own doesn’t make you big. In fact, if you can easily do it on your own, is it even worth doing?
During the miles of mud you’ll encounter in any Tough Mudder event, you’ll realize that this is a team exercise and you need to pitch in. You’ll make friends for life, because nothing bonds quite like mud.