Everyone you meet during Tough Mudder shares the same mission: to conquer the challenge and achieve greatness. But people handle that common goal in a whole host of different ways.
Here are 5 types of Mudder you’ll inevitably meet on event day:
1. Costumes & Caped Crusaders

Easy to recognize at the start line. Not so easy to recognize once they’ve tackled the first few obstacles and their costumes are covered in mud.
Capes, hats, suits, wigs… anything goes out there. Extra points for anyone who can keep their face-paint on for the duration of the challenge. Seeing Mudders in fancy dress making their way around the course is sure to put a smile on your face. But even Mr Freeze himself is no match for Arctic Enema.
2. Legionnaires

These guys have been there, done that, got the headband.
Legionnaires are leaders who will do whatever it takes to get themselves and other Mudders across the finish line. You’ll identify them by looking out for their colored headband and their unmistakable get-shit-done attitude.
Teamwork and camaraderie are ingrained into their bones – look to them for advice and pointers around the course. And don’t judge them if they skip Electroshock Therapy. They’ve earned that right.
3. Charity Fundraisers

Charity fundraisers might also be sporting some impressive costumes, or they could be wearing t-shirts to highlight the cause they are braving the mud for. Their team bond will be strong as they are united with the shared goal of raising as much money as possible for causes close to their hearts. Give these guys an extra high five.
Feeling inspired? Check out the official charity page to find out more about running Tough Mudder for a cause.
4. Your New Best Buddy

You’ll meet a lot of these. In fact, everyone you meet on the course is probably going to fall into this category. You didn’t know them before they offered you a hand on Everest, or a shoulder to stand on to get over Berlin Walls, but now they’re part of your Mudder family.
Whether it’s a fist pump, a few words of encouragement or a big muddy grin, a little goes a long way out on the course and the bond you share with your fellow Mudders is like no other.
5. Solo Mudders

Although they might have signed up to do a Tough Mudder on their own, that’s where their solo mission ended. Now they’re part of your team. Mudders are on hand (literally) to help each other over, under and through all of the 20+ obstacles around the course, across the finish line and towards that hard-earned cider. Remember, many (muddy) hands make light work.
Want to see them for yourself? Grab your tickets for 2021 now.