Tough Mudder Continues To Monitor COVID-19

Updated: March 19, 2020

Mudder Nation,

Tough Mudder continues to closely monitor developments around the world relating to the spread of Coronavirus/COVID-19. We work closely with local authorities for our events and note the updates and advice given by local Governments, the World Health Organization and other relevant public bodies.

We’d like to assure you that the safety of our participants, spectators, team members, volunteers and partners remains our number one priority.

We’ve been working with local authorities as well as talking to our community and, following careful consideration, have decided to postpone our Tough Mudder Virginia event until August 29-30, 2020. The location for the event remains unchanged. 

If you have already purchased tickets for Virginia, you’ve been automatically transferred into the Tough Mudder Virginia event to be held on August 29-30, 2020. In the event that this new date does not work for you, we will waive all transfer fees to allow you to choose another 2020 event or defer your entry to Virginia 2021 (date and venue tbd, however our aim is to host this event in Q2 of 2021). All Virginia ticket holders have received an email with more details. If you still have questions or concerns, please contact Mudder Services for additional information.

All other events for the North America 2020 season are scheduled to continue as planned. In the event that your event is postponed or cancelled, we will waive the transfer fee for you to register for a future event.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and keep the community updated. 
Please contact Mudder Services with any additional questions.

Keep calm and wash your hands,

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