Tough Mudder 2021
The only stopping you from pushing past your comfort zone is yourself. The hardest obstacle at Tough Mudder stands between today and the start line.
Meet Your Inspiration

Jim Brown
In 2013 he had a hole in his heart closed, meaning up to that point he had been running on an inhalation capacity of just 85%. Since then he’s more driven and determined to become fitter than he has ever been completomh over 50 events..

Mildred Wilson
81-year-old Mildred Wilson gets a whole lot of bragging rights for accomplishing her first Tough Mudder in Missouri shortly after her 80th birthday. Her son had approached her about completing a Tough Mudder 5K months before the event and her reaction was a resounding, “hell, yeah.”

Codilla (Cody) Gapare
On August 11, 2014, Cody was diagnosed with breast cancer. Cody finished treatment in April 2015 and by September, she was running her first Tough Mudder, just 5 months after the conclusion of her treatment.
How it works:

Choose an event that suits your journey. From 5K, 10-miles or 24-hours we have events to challenge everyone.

Pick the date and location that is right for you and sign up through the event page of your choice.

Put in the work. Start training, and building towards your event. Check out our training plans for extra motivation.
Every Tough Mudder event is built on the foundation of teamwork and features world class obstacles. From 5K to running all night – we have an event for you.

Tough Mudder Classic
The original. 10 Miles of mud-soaked mayhem, featuring 25 of the craziest obstacles around.

Tough Mudder 5K
A teamwork-focused, obstacle-crammed 5K course ready to test you and your friends.

Endurance Series
Better yourself. Push yourself like never before across events from 10 miles to 24 hours.