We’ve officially passed the one year marker of working from home and we’re starting to feel like we’d rather run through Electroshock Therapy than open our laptop one more time. The commute spent in someone’s armpit, gossiping in the kitchen over your 3rd coffee of the morning and wearing something other than pajamas seems like a distant memory. Yes there are benefits to working from home from flexibility, to freedom to create your own schedule, to childcare, home workouts, or sleeping in. However, it can be stressful, isolating, and impact your mental and physical wellbeing.
We chatted to our friends at Recovapro, recovery specialists, about what stresses employees face and how to minimize them.

Here are just some of the stress factors employees face while working from home:
No set routine
A major drawback of working from home life is the lack of structure, which ends up causing delays in work as nobody is there asking for things to be finished at a specific time. Likewise, it is more tempting to get something done quickly in order to go out to see friends (location dependent – looking at you, Florida). But leaning into these types of practices can swiftly get out of control and ultimately become a stress.
Hard to set boundaries
Working remotely is about flexibility and comes with the perk of working from wherever, whenever you want. For many this has meant an opportunity to have a better work life balance, and the ability to spend more time with partners, housemates, or kids. But without the firm finish of leaving your desk to head home, working from home can mean ambiguity and commonly you can find yourself answering emails and responding to work requests at 10pm.
Social Isolation
It is easier to focus on your job when you’re in your own home with no co-workers stopping by your desk to ask a quick question or to chat about a project. But according to a report by “Igloo,” four out of every five remote workers feel left out of their workplace due to communication, information sharing, and decision-making. This often leads to a feeling of social isolation.
Multiple Distractions
The continuous arrival of post and packages (we’re nearly on first name terms with the delivery driver), the numerous sales phone calls and the loud screaming of home-schooled children is certainly annoying and stressful. Working in a house full of people is inevitability distracting.
1. Planning is your ally
Although you may find this awkward since you’re working from your own home and have the liberty to choose when to work, but it’s important to set a schedule and not just work when you find the time. Try to choose the time when you know you’re at your best and most productive, with as few distractions, and work on the most challenging and complicated tasks during this time.
2. Keep your social life thriving
Even when at home, the support of your workmates, housemates and family can ease the boredom of working alone. This can boost your energy and help you be more productive. Mini breaks from your desk and quick catch ups with your fellow working from home friends can shake off some of the stresses from work. Why not try a virtual 5km with them over your lunch?
3. Rest, Sleep, Repeat
Adequate rest and healthy sleep are vital for productivity. Working too much can exhaust all your energy and mental focus. It helps to keep the same working hours that you would at the office, so starting and ending the workday at the same time. Imagine that you’re still going to the office for work and then coming home to rest.
4. Find your spot
Look for a space in your home where you can focus on work with relatively few or no distractions at all. Keep the set up minimal with just your desk, a chair, and your laptop or screens. Be sure to pick a spot that you’re comfortable to work at for 8 hours, but not too cozy that you end up falling to sleep.
5. Take a break
You’ll find that it helps to take short breaks; do an activity with your kids, return that Amazon parcel or get your blood pumping with some cardio exercise. Keep yourself motivated by giving yourself your own rewards. For each task accomplished, you can have some time off for a little self-pampering, maybe using a Recovapro massage gun.

Long periods of sitting can cause stiffness to your joints and muscles. Recovapro massage guns can help as they reduce muscle spasms, prevent joint and muscle stiffness and improves blood circulation. Recovapro can shake off that extra stress to keep you going physically and mentally while working in the comfort of your own home.
Need something to train for? Grab your 5K or Classic ticket today and get ready for the 2021 season. We’ll see you in the mud.