
Run fast, jump high, and reach for a helping hand over this greased 13' quarterpipe.


Just like a half-pipe only bigger.


Many Mudders waiting to haul you up to the top.


This means the only thing to grab a hold of is another Mudder.


Make sure you hit top speed at the right time.

“Just look for those helping hands. Your team will get you over the summit.”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Everest.
How To Conquer
Just like the real thing, to reach the summit of Everest you require planning, deep breaths and the help of a team. Take a running start and keep your feet moving as you head up the vertical section – run up it, not at it. Lock your eyes onto an outstretched hand and leap towards it. Finally, allow the team of Mudders to haul you up and over.
Obstacle Training Tips
While it might seem like strength is a key part of hauling yourself up and over the summit, you will have help. The key is to make sure you get the running start right. Working on both your running and lower-body explosiveness will give you the best chance of hitting the incline just right. Keep your eyes on the prize and those legs pumping.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: How will I know when to jump for the hands?
A: When you think you have run far enough. Take a couple more steps.


Originally a bit shorter than what you see on course today, Everest has stood the test of time. First introduced to the course in 2010, while it has seen changes to structure and materials, the design, premise and enjoyment of this obstacle have stayed the same since the beginning. A true legend.

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